Friday, September 14, 2007

From Dusk Till Down (1996)

Director :
Robert Rodriguez

Cast :
Harvey Keitel
George Clooney
Quentin Tarantino
Juliette Lewis

Movie Synopsis
Meet the Gecko brothers, (George Clooney and QT) two of the most wanted people of America. After Richie Gecko (QT) broke out his older incharge brother Seth Gecko(Clooney)The start off their crime spree.First they rob a liquor store ending in a bloody shootout. Then taking a woman hostage.(Then Richie kills her). Knowing they need to cross into Mexico to meet a man who promises them freedom as Mexicans, they meet the Fuller family. Jacob Fuller(Harvey Ketile) and his son and daughter(Erenest Liu and Juliette Lewis) and their large motor home is the perfect way to cross the border. So the Geckos take the Fullers hostages to cross to meet with the man. After the Geckos/Fullers cross they head to a strip joint called "The Titty Twister". The strip joint is where their friend is to meet them a little after dawn. But The strip joint is not everything expected to be. They and the management has a taste and not for boos!


Jack said...

Thanks for reviews and sharing the trailers. The film seems to be good one..I have just taken this film on rent and will watch it tonight.
From Dusk Till Down